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Posted by on Dec 21, 2012 in Reviews, Top Posts | 6 comments

App Reviewamendation: Safe In Cloud

This was originally going to be a review, but it ended up sounding like a recommendation. So. There’s that. Like the title? No? Damn. …anyways, back in June of this year I wrote about password security, and how one might protect oneself from account compromises. Today, I’ve edited that post to include another great app for Android that helps further that cause, and it goes by the name Safe In Cloud. Do note however, that this app can be used for storing much more than passwords. You can store information about your car like what size tires it uses, insurance information, WiFi logins, or anything else you need to remember. It’s great for keeping all of your “need to knows” in one neat little place. To get a sense of where I’m coming from, allow me to share some back story. I used just about every password app on the Android market, and most of them are flawed in one way or another (ugly and dysfunctional user experiences were the heart of...

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Posted by on Jun 19, 2012 in How Tos, Top Posts | 1 comment

Password Security: Protect Yourself from Account Compromises

Using strong, unique passwords across each of your online accounts is important. Really important. But you should already know that; I mean, you wouldn’t use the same key that you use to unlock your car that you would to open the front-door to your home or office, would you? Can we agree that, that would be pretty stupid? Yeah? So then why would you use your e-mail password for your online bank account? Each and every day, hackers are constantly trying to find security vulnerabilities in websites that they can exploit in order to gain access to your account, and even sites like LinkedIn can fall victim to these attacks. So, my question to you is this: if your Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail password was leaked today, would your other accounts still be safe? How about your bank account? Or PayPal? Rest assured that every single password that gets leaked will be among the first ones used when someone tries to brute-force their way into your account. At this...

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